A lens on the world
For my whole career I’ve told stories,
with a combination of words, sound, video and pictures.
Here, get a sense of what I see.
A journalistic approach
I’m intrigued — driven, even —
by the ideas of framing and focus. Two people can survey the same landscape and notice very different things, depending on where one chooses to look, for how long, in what light.
Poetry in Stillness
I like the idea that images can ask questions, make suggestions, provide provocation. This scene on the streets of Seoul, South Korea spoke powerfully to me about tradition and modernity. I make images that, for me, have poems — or sometimes essays — embedded in them.
I shoot exclusively with my trusty Sony a7ii, a full-frame, mirrorless camera that allows me the versatility of interchangeable lenses and the light weight to pack it on adventures.

What’s a story without characters?
Occasionally you’ll see animals in my photos, particularly urban cats.
I also love trees, which express a character all their own in the way they inhabit a landscape,
defy it, or sometimes claim it as a resting place.